Past - Present: Act now 😉 Year 2011... Page 109 of 156 for a significant example:
Green entrepreneurship in Italy, Mediterranean Action Plan
..."Key functionality
The Carretta Caretta patent (from 6 october 2020 #WormApp !) is a system that improves waste collection in historical city centre, where big waste collection trucks find it difficult to enter.
Together with a small truck, the staff is totally re-organized and performs several functions during the waste collection, together with the promotion of a proactive attitude among citizens and users"...
This is only ONE of the nine bibliographic findings accompanying the Paper, included in the official documents of international Fair Ecomondo Rimini 2019 (page 81-85).
Since year 2006 at work.
The future is unwritten but with foresight you can look far ahead. And imagine a different, better future.
For everyone!
The great Joe Strummer, 1952 - 2002:
Cleaning the world is not enough.
First, you have to stop dirtying the world every day!
Roberto Pirani & Paolo Garelli